Heyy, so today I didn't have to get up bright and early for uni so decided to take my time getting ready !
I even took the time to put some false eyelashes on !!

With my hair I thought i'd attempt to re-create a hippy look, but I am too much of a wimp to actually go outside with my hair like this, not entirely sure why, I just am.
So to do this I simply straightened the front bits of my hair and some bits around my head (cause my hairs kinda wavy naturally), then I took three sections from the top and teased it backwards before smoothing it out with a comb.
After doing that I clipped my two front sections of hair off my face using bobbypins, and finished by putting on the feather headband which is from Primark, I think it looks so cute, and I defo will be actually wearing my hair like this during summer, need to get more confidence ! hahaa
Anyway as well as my hurr, I also went into town and bought two gorgeous rimmel lipsticks,
one is a gorgeous everyday pink which is nude enough if you don't want people to know your wearing make-up but just pink enough to set your whole make up look off, and that is Pink Corest 008! Stunning.

So that has been my day so far, got to do uni work now which is not fun at all, but hey i've had a lovelyyyyy day.
P.s. my eyelashes are primarks finest £1, love love love them. And my pale orange top is from Urban outfitters with a black Tesco vest underneath!
PEACE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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